
Bishop George Christie was born in the district of Peckham, in the parish of Clarendon, Jamaica W.I.  He was baptized in the Shiloh Apostolic Church in 1956 and received the Holy Ghost that same year.

He moved from Frankfield to May Pen and took up fellowship in the Rehoboth Apostolic Church, pastored by Bishop L. A Chambers.   After a while he went to Kingston and took up fellowship in the Emmanuel Apostolic Church, pastored by Pastor M. E. White.  

In 1961, Bishop Christie was  ordained a Minister by Bishop Lee of the Apostolic Ark. He was sent to minister in the parishes of Portland, St. Mary, St. Thomas, St. Ann, Clarendon, Manchester and St. Andrew.

In 1962, he migrated to England and fellowshipped at the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Church. During this time he met and married his wife, Missionary Edna Christie, and started a church in Battersea, London, until 1971. He later  migrated to the United States. After a few months, he returned  to Jamaica and fellowshipped at the Emmanuel Apostolic Church. He was ordained Pastor of White Sand Apostolic Church, where he pastored until 1980.  He then returned to the United States.

 In 1981 under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, Bishop Christie accompanied by his wife, their two children and three brethrens started a church at 389 Utica Avenue in Brooklyn. During this time they fellowshipped with the First Triumphant Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, pastored by the late Bishop William Brown who had encouraged him to take out their own Incorporation and Church Registration.

As the church at Utica Avenue grew, Bishop Christie had to seek for another place of worship.  With the help of the Lord, he purchased a  building at 1118 Clarkson Avenue in Brooklyn, and settled there.  The  blessings of the Lord was rich among the  people with  signs and miracles following and many souls were added to the church. After a few years he had to seek yet a larger accommodation to facilitate the growth of the Church, because The Lord continued to add daily those to be saved.  

With the help of the Lord, Bishop Christie  and the Saints, were able to purchase the 1420 Pitkin Avenue building, where the Saints of the Triumphant Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, Inc., now assemble together, and invite the fellowship with other like-minded Saints.  

As an anointed pastor, teacher, father and counselor who imparted knowledge and understanding in teaching and preaching the word of God, Bishop Christie had proved his calling by the fruit of his ministry. During his lifetime, the Lord had  anointed and used him to point many souls to Christ, some of whom are now themselves, preachers and teachers. 

During his formative years, Bishop George Christie would travel many miles as an evangelist, and preached the word of God. This Evangelistic calling remained evident even up until the months prior to his passing. "Bishop," as he was lovingly called, had continued to travel extensively to different places where he preached the "undiluted word of God," endeavoring to preserve the Apostolic Heritage. He gave  all the praise and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ who had called him to the ministry.

Bishop George Christie, transitioned from this side of heaven in October 2019. His love of God, his dedication and commitment to the work of The Lord, and in preserving the Apostolic heritage are widely known and spoken of, in the Apostolic arena. So much so, that his presence acted as a stabilizing force wherever he went. Bishop Christie is still known for "steadfast stance"  in the Apostolic doctrine. His name and his work will continue to live on in our memories.

His ministry spanned over 45 years. To God Be The Glory!